increase in liquidity

increase in liquidity
рост ликвидности

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "increase in liquidity" в других словарях:

  • Liquidity preference — Finance Theory = John Maynard Keynes developed the Liquidity Preference of Interest in the General Theory of Employment Interest and Money. The primary consideration of the liquidity preference is the demand for money as an asset, as a means for… …   Wikipedia

  • Liquidity Squeeze — When concern about the short term availability of money causes reluctance among financial institutions to lend out money from their reserves. This hold on reserves causes the interbank market rate to rise, making it more expensive for banks to… …   Investment dictionary

  • Liquidity Preference Theory — The idea that investors demand a premium for securities with longer maturities, which entail greater risk, because they would prefer to hold cash, which entails less risk. The more liquid an investment, the easier it is to sell quickly for its… …   Investment dictionary

  • Dark liquidity — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond …   Wikipedia

  • Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 — This article is about one division of an enacted statute. For the entire statute, see Public Law 110 343. For the enacted rescue program, see Troubled Asset Relief Program. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Division A of Pub.L.… …   Wikipedia

  • European Central Bank — European Central Bank …   Wikipedia

  • Global financial crisis of September–October 2008 — The global financial crisis of September–October 2008 is a developing financial crisis which emerged the week of September 14, 2008. Beginning with failures of large financial institutions in the United States, it rapidly evolved into a global… …   Wikipedia

  • Term auction facility — The Term Auction Facility is an instrument of monetary policy, introduced by the Federal Reserve to increase liquidity in United States financial markets. Although first instated as a temporary policy, as of 21 December 2007, the Fed will… …   Wikipedia

  • Hedge (finance) — For other uses, see Hedge (disambiguation). Finance Financial markets …   Wikipedia

  • Monetary sovereignty — A state is generally considered monetarily sovereign to the extent that it retains the following legal rights[1][2]: The right of legal tender to choose which currencies are acceptable as legal tender for payment of taxes and other legal debts.… …   Wikipedia

  • Call Market — A type of market in which each transaction takes place at predetermined intervals and where all of the bid and ask orders are aggregated and transacted at once. The exchange determines the market clearing price based on the number of bid and ask… …   Investment dictionary

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